Sunday, November 11, 2012

To Affliation and Beyond!

The organizing conference for MTA that I posted about in May was delayed until this weekend and I attended part of the Saturday session. Though turnout was low, it was great to meet some of the people for whom I only knew a name, and to be energized to get more involved. 

The next step will be drum up some interest in Longmont and then apply for an MTA affliation. Not sure yet if I'll try to just host a meeting, get some petitions signed, or something else. Either way, I am excited to use my prior grass-roots organizing skills and to be part of a movement for which I feel strongly about.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why Obama won

Though Obama's re-relection only extends the duopolistic control of our political system by the wealthy elite, it's worth examining the mechanics of why Obama's campaign operation was so successful:

1. Demographics is destiny: As the percentage of white voters in the electorate continues to decline, the math was against the republicans.

2. Superior ground game: after the 2008 election, the Obama campaign incorporated itself as a company to maintain and expand on the momentum of the previous election. The focus on early voting significantly favored the democrats, especially when a lot of that early voting occurred before the debates when systematic ad buys painted Romney as an uncaring plutocrat in battleground states.

3. We're not them: from Romney's 47% to Akin's legitimate rape, the republicans could not help but shoot themselves in the feet and piss off key voting blocs. 

That's my take. What do you think?