Sunday, August 5, 2012

Materialism = Sadism

In response to a recent topic post for a local philosophy group that I've participated in before:

My response (as I was not able to attend in person):

The Original Position question is a tough one as it seems almost impossible to think about who I am without knowing what my social structure (or what Marx called the "superstructure") is or will be. And to then posit what would be your ideal superstructure without knowing who you are as a person becomes impossible using this logic. Do you see the paradox?

Leaving that objection aside, my ideal superstructure would be one where there is less value on materialism or material wealth. Of course, such an ideal is really a reaction to the current, real superstructure we live in today, but I think such an ideal goes deeper than simple anti-materialism, in that materialism is on a certain level, a form of sadism, and sadism is bad for the soul." 

I'll post later what I mean by the posit: materialism=sadism.

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